Google Cloud Storage, is also referred to as "GCS bucket". After selecting 'GCS' as the Connection type, you will be presented with a set of below fields. These fields are essential for establishing a connection to Google Cloud Storage, allowing you to interact with the specified bucket within the context of your GCP project. Make sure to provide accurate and valid information for both the Bucket name and Project ID to ensure successful connectivity and access to your GCS resources.
- Bucket: Name of the Google Cloud Storage container where data objects are stored.
- Project Id: Unique identifier for the Google Cloud Platform project associated with the Google Cloud Storage resources.
Use Instance Profile selection: It provides the option of using the credentials in the GCP instance profile. This option is only to be used if the 'GCS Bucket' is on the same GCP project as that where the Syntasa Platform is installed. On turning off the toggle, you will be shown one additional field:
- Key File Upload - Option to upload the private key JSON format file