This process provides the ability to write data to a downstream database.
Process Configuration
Configuration of this process includes specifying the downstream database table name and the data to be sent to the database. In order to use the To DB process a Connection in the Connections settings menu needs to be created, then brought onto the app workflow canvas and connect the To DB process.
Table Name - define the database table name. The table must already exist in the database.
Incremental Load - select if data should be inserted in on a by data basis or leave deselected if all from the data source should be sent inserted.
The Mapping screen provides an interface to select the fields from the source dataset to be packaged and sent to the output connection. To add fields click the green Actions box and select one of the options to add new fields and select the fields to be included in the output dataset.
Expected Output
The expected output of the To DB process is that the downstream table is updated with the data from the fields defined on the Mappings screen.