Now that the Syntasa software is installed, there's a bit of setup needed before you can take advantage of the platform. Before a Syntasa app can be created the following administrative sections of the application need to be configured:
- Infrastructure - Information about the cloud provider where Syntasa is installed.
- Connections - Defines the input and output data sources that you will use in Syntasa apps.
- Runtime - Determines the size and configuration of the data processing cluster(s).
- Event Stores - Define database names and file locations for data processed in Syntasa apps.
Before we can process data through Syntasa, we need to update Syntasa with some details about the cloud environment it is installed in. We accomplish this in the Infrastructure screen, which is available from the settings menu gear icon ().
The following articles will describe the fields in the Infrastructure screen and where to navigate in your cloud console to find the information that belongs in these fields. The infrastructure details vary per cloud environment. Please choose the link below that corresponds to your cloud environment:
A connection is a definition of inbound and outbound file integrations that apps within the Syntasa platform will utilize. The Connections page is available from the main menu () and selecting the submenu items Connections or if already within the Resources pages via the connections icon (
Learn more about creating and managing Connections in this article.
Runtime is where the size and configuration of the data processing cluster are determined. There are two runtime types: Container and Spark. They determine the number of resources allocated for a job and, once a job is run with them, it will create those resources automatically.
The Runtime page is available from the main menu () and then selecting the Runtime menu via the runtime icon (
Learn more about creating and managing Runtimes in this article.
Event Stores
An event store is a set of databases and file directories to which Syntasa apps write data. Event Stores are used to provide a logical subdivision between your apps on the backend, as well as letting you define your data storage locations. They also differentiate between your development and production data. Event Stores are only populated upon data creation and are insubstantial until they are used. They are required for app creation, so make sure you have at least one before attempting to create an app.
The Event Stores page is available from the main menu () and selecting the Event Stores submenu or from the sidebar (
) from within the resources page.
Learn more about creating and managing Event Stores in this article.