Utilizing the Audiences feature requires several steps to create and send audiences to downstream systems, e.g. Facebook, Yahoo!, Google Analytics, Nielsen. The high-level steps of how and what data is available for defining attributes, how to utilize the attributes to create audiences, and how to select the audiences to send to the downstream systems are described in the article Building an Audience Workflow.
This article describes the details of the produced results after the third of those steps, Creating Audience Builder apps, is completed:
- Audience Table Name
- Audience result tables
- Audience Metric Window Length field impact
- Reviewing audience results
Audience Table Name
The name of the audience table(s) is defined within a data layer in the Configuration menu via the configuration gear icon (). This value is unchangeable after the data layer is created.
While only one value is given, there are three table names created based on the value. Details of these tables are described below.
Audience result tables
Results table
The results table contains the unique identifier values with each audience value it matches per partition of when the condition was met. For example, visitor 12345 met the condition for audience Gamers on Jan 1.
The name that is seen in the field, defaulted to syn_audience, can only be changed at the time of data layer creation. This will be the exact name of the table(s) that hold the results of all audience builder processes created within this data layer.
The development and production results table(s) will be created and stored in the respective paths and databases noted in the selected event store for the data layer.
The metadata table contains the unique audience values for all audience builder apps in the data layer. For example, audience group BuyerProfiles has audience value Gamer.
The table(s) created for storing the metadata are named with the name found in the field along with "_metadata" added as a suffix. As with the results table(s), there will be a development and production metadata tables stored in the paths and databases defined in the event store for the data layer.
The metrics table contains statistics of the number of unique identifier values matching each audience value condition per partition, usually per day. For example, 99 visitors met the condition for audience Gamers on Jan 1.
The table(s) created for storing the metrics are named with the name found in the field along with "_metrics" added as a suffix. As with the results and metadata table(s), there will be a development and production metrics tables stored in the paths and databases defined in the event store for the data layer.
Audience Metric Window Length field impact
This field provides the breadth of a secondary analysis period for meeting audience conditions. The default period for analyzing audiences is a single day for the date of processing. Thus, when reviewing audience metric results there are two distinct time periods displaying counts for the number of visitors matching an audience.
The audience metrics table contains two sets of metrics: counts_per_day and counts_last_n_days. The value entered in this field, which is defaulted at 7 days, represents the N found in counts_last_n_days as explained below:
- counts_per_day - As audience results are generated, this column displays the number of unique identifier values matching each attribute value condition per partition, usually per day, for the date of processing.
- counts_last_n_days - As audience results are generated, this column displays the number of unique identifier values matching each audience value condition per partition, usually per day, for the period defined by the Audience Metric Window Length.
For example, we have the below number of visitors that met the condition for the audience XYZ per the noted days:
Event Date | Num IDs |
Jan 1 | 10 |
Jan 2 | 30 |
Jan 3 | 20 |
Jan 4 | 25 |
Jan 5 | 15 |
Adding to our example, if we have the Audience Metric Window Length set to 3, then the audience metrics table would display the following:
Partition | Aud Group | Audience | counts_per_day | counts_last_n_days |
Jan 1 | My Audiences | XYZ | 10 | - |
Jan 2 | My Audiences | XYZ | 30 | - |
Jan 3 | My Audiences | XYZ | 20 | - |
Jan 4 | My Audiences | XYZ | 25 | 60 |
Jan 5 | My Audiences | XYZ | 15 | 75 |
Since the Audience Metric Window Length is set to 3 the counts_last_n_days time period is 3 days and therefore summing the previous three days.
Reviewing audience results
Table summaries
All datasets throughout the platform have several properties, Details, Schema, Preview, Stats, that are available and shown by clicking on the dataset. All properties are viewable by clicking on the dataset from the workflow canvas, including attributes and audiences, but attributes and audiences datasets are also available from within the data layer screen.
Details & Schema
While viewing from within the data layer screen, these two properties, Details and Schema, are combined into a single view. The Details portion, seen at the top of the screen, provides details on several technical aspects of the table; the Schema portion, seen at the bottom of the screen, provides the list of columns that exist for the dataset.
As the name suggests, this section displays a preview, and thus a limited number of results, of the actual data found within the selected dataset. The data can be sorted and filtered from within the application or can be downloaded into an xlsx file for review outside of the application. The download is limited to the data found within the preview screen.
This section, also see as State from with the workflow canvas, displays statistical information about the contents of the dataset, i.e. number of rows and size per each partition, usually date, but can be per hour.
Table contents
Results table
As noted above, the results table contains the unique identifier values with each audience value it matches per partition of when the condition was met. In the first example below, visitor -102533... met the condition for the product audience Clothes on Jan 1.
As noted above, the metadata table contains the unique audience values for all audience builder apps in the data layer. In the example below, the audience group Product has audience values Accessories, Equipment, and Clothes.
As noted above, the metrics table contains statistics of the number of unique identifier values matching each audience value condition per partition, usually per day. In the example below, 733 visitors met the condition for the product audience Equipment on Jan 1.
As explained above regarding the Audience Metric Window Length, the counts_per_day and counts_last_n_days show counts for the audience across two different time periods.
The column counts_per_day represents the number of unique visitors for the given audience value that is calculated on the day seen in audience_partition. For example, the 733 seen above will be the number of visitors seen on Jan 1.
The column counts_last_n_days represents the number of unique visitors for the given audience value that is calculated for the prior N days. The value of N is the setting of Audience Metric Window Length found within the data layer.