The purpose of this screen is to get a summary view of the last run of all jobs across all apps running in Syntasa. This screen can be used to gain a quick understanding of the status of jobs that ran or an understanding of all the production jobs running for a particular app or module. Columns can be sorted and filtered. additionally, records can be downloaded using the DOWNLOAD button.
Job tracker can be accessed via Activity.
Note: You can side-scroll on Job Tracker, if you can't find a column it might be hidden by this.
Column Values
App Name: The name of the app. Selecting this will navigate to the app itself.
Module: The module the app is located in. Synthesizer/Orchestrator/Composer/Audiences.
Job: The actual name of the job. Selecting this will navigate to the job's activity logs.
Environment: Development or Production.
Schedule: Yes or No, depending on if the job is scheduled or not.
Last Run Status: Details on the status of the last run, will either be Completed/Aborted/Failed.
Last Run Start Time: Start time of the last run.
Last Run End Time: End time of the last run.
Last Run Duration: Duration of the last run
Next Run: This will be blank unless it's a production job that is running on a timed schedule.
Tags: User-defined tags were added to this job.
Created By: User who created this job.
Created Date: The date on which this app was created.
Last Modified By: Who modified the job last, most of the time this will correspond to either who executed the job, or who scheduled it.
Last Modified Date: When the job was last modified.