Job with date range executing but not creating an output



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    Sarath Botlagunta

    When Input is connection, some of the process modes are not applicable.

    For example, for Matomo Loader, when Input is Matomo Api connection, NEW_ONLY, ADD_NEW_REPLACE_MODIFIED are not applicable.
    We have a story in 6.3.0 to correct this, SMA-5605.
    In the future releases, for all the syntasa processes, we will have similar rules to restrict them selves to only applicable process modes. 
    But when Input is a connection and it is a spark code process, we have to assume, anything is possible with code process and can not have similar restrictions. It is possible that user can write some code to determine which dates are new and which dates are modified by making additional api requests to input api connection (if input api supports such mechanism).

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